Here at Thousand Oaks, we are blessed with our professional body piercer, Darian Schetter. Darian began her career in the industry in 2014. With a relentlessly upbeat personality (expect when losing a game of Candy Crush), you’ll have a hard time finding a piercer who cares more about your wellbeing. Darian offers a wide range of piercings, as well as jewelry styling consultations! Darian’s passion roots in a deep love of ritualistic aspects of piercing. Combined with a modern day approach to safe practice, it creates a style that focuses on you and provides you with the best possible experience. Darian has adopted the “forever learning” as a personal motto. Outside of work, you can find Darian attending seminars or any place that offers a chance to expand knowledge and skill set. With a life-long fascination with body modifications in all forms, a dedication to safety and sterilization, and a love for handcrafted fine jewelry, Darian is the happiest when performing piercings that help re-claim (a piece of) your body. Where adornment meets empowerment, that’s where you’ll find Darian.